Paul Finglas and Maria Traka recently attended the Food, Nutrition and Health Research Infrastructure (FNH-RI) UK National Node workshop in London. The event, held on 11th July at the MRC Conference Centre, was organised jointly by QIB and the University of Surrey to inform participating scientists from UK research institutions and universities about the FNH-RI initiative and how UK food and nutrition researchers can be involved in, and contribute to, the project and resulting infrastructure.
Representatives from 25 organisations came together to hear talks introducing the wider FNH-RI initiative and its importance from a UK perspective. Relevant funding bodies (i.e. Research Councils) and other stakeholders (government departments, industry etc) were also invited to the event. The afternoon session consisted of group workshops in which participants were posed a series of questions about the FNH-RI concept and how the UK Node could operate and be developed.
Additional details about the FNH-RI initiative can be found here
The key presentations from the event are provided below:
Setting the scene – Gabriela Pastori, BBSRC
An introduction to the FNH-RI – Pieter vant Veer, Wageningen University
FNH-RI: The UK Perspective – why is it important? – Monique Raats, University of Surrey