Food Composition at Present: New Challenges

Food Databanks staff have recently co-authored a Review article in the Nutrients journal as part of the special issue on the NUTRIMAD 2018 event ( The conference, held in Madrid from 24-27 October 2018, was a joint event for both the XII Congress of the Spanish Society for Community Nutrition (SENC) and the IV World Congress of Public Health and Nutrition.

The Review includes particular focus on food composition in the Mediterranean region, which was also the topic for a symposium at the NUTRIMAD event with talks from food compilers in Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. The publication, entitled ‘Food Composition at Present: New Challenges’, describes some of the current issues encountered by food data compilers, including improving data quality, increasing access and the use of emerging technologies.

Work conducted by the FDNC team as part of the RICHFIELDS EU-funded project is also summarised in the paper, highlighting the future importance of Research Infrastructures in connecting composition data with other food and health information, and the limitations that may need to be overcome to achieve greater connectivity of resources.

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